CBCT Dental Implant Virtual Planning & Guided Surgery Blog!

The Premier Blog to Share Information on Dental CBCT, Virtual Dental Implant Planning & Guided Surgery!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inroduction to planning web site

Treatment planning implant cases has never been easier or more predictable. Gone are the days when implants are placed too deep or too shallow, in poor proximity to adjacent implants or natural teeth, or in
embrasures.We are very excited to be one of only a few facilities in the country to offer a complete CT Planning Service.Our laboratory, unlike other planning services, has theunique advantage of providing support throughout the entire treatment process. We provide full diagnosticwork-up, computed tomography scan appliances, virtual planning with multiple software applications, live online consultation for optimal surgical guide fabrication, and provisional & final restorations. We work with all popular implant planning software such as NobelGuide, iDent, SimPlant, and easyGuide. Because we have the software and hardware in our laboratory to create rapid manufactured surgical templates, the one-stop-shop approach greatly increases theproficiency and timeliness of surgical planning.To facilitate this service we have developed a new department we’ve named Dental Implant Planning.If you would like to take advantage of this service on your next implant case, please contact us or ask your implant specialist to contact us. To discover more information about the service or the four planning softwares we are presently using visit www.dentalimplantplanning.com.

Welcome to the Dental Implant Planning Blog

Welcome new blog dedicated to virtual dental implant planning we will post message on new and exciting developments on the ability of dentists to virtually place implants in a variety of software using DICOM data from a CT scan. This can provide the doctor a surgical guide which can be used to precisely place dental implants. As this blog develops I am confident that dental professionals interested in this emerging area of dentistry will find this blog very informative. This blog is associated with ROE Dental Laboratory and the following websites.